professional non-surgical cosmetics

Dermal Filler Removal

Professional Wrinkle Reduction Norwich

You might need dermal filler removal for several reasons, but the procedure is the same regardless of the reason. At DermaArt, we can remove dermal filler by breaking down the filler using a specialist formula. The formula is injected into the treatment site and slowly breaks down the filler, which is then naturally absorbed into the body.

What is Dermal Filler Removal?

Many people make the mistake of assuming that dermal filler is irreversible, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. At DermaArt, we can remove dermal filler, regardless of where you had it injected, by breaking down the filler using a specialist formula. The process takes around 20 to 30 minutes. It’s a relatively simple, straightforward and quick treatment, and results are noticeable soon after. 

As dermal filler removal involves an injectable, it’s common to experience some swelling at the injection site. This can sometimes make it difficult to see the results of the dermal filler removal straight away, though they are instant. Once the swelling has gone down, you will immediately notice the difference, and the filler will slowly begin to break down.

Dermal filler removal can be done on any area where dermal filler was administered, including your lips, chin and cheeks. You might choose to have your dermal filler removed due to filler migration, lumps, bumps, infection or excessive swelling. You can also have dermal filler removed if you are no longer happy with the aesthetic results. Whatever the reason for wanting dermal filler removal, the process is the same.

Dermal Filler Removal at DermaArt Norwich

When you have dermal filler, removal is the last thing you think of. However, due to a variety of different reasons, dermal filler removal might be needed. Whether you need your dermal filler removed because of filler migration or because you are not happy with the results, our talented experts are on hand to help. To find out more about dermal filler removal in Norwich, speak to DermaArt today.